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Monthly Energy Forecast

Reading provided by: Anysia


This month shows such expansive energy! We are really going to start feeling a sense of control and power! A lot of us are going to be experiencing a lot of our manifestations coming into our reality! It’s actually shocking how much we can be receiving this month! Great way to close the year. Anyone going to school or having a demanding job will see all that hard work pay off. There will be more rewards and offers for all that you have done! Anything you’ve been waiting on is coming to you and will be yours to show! It might start off small, but a lot will be coming to you this month. It’s all about commitment and patience. We are experiencing a Mercury retrograde this month, so there is going to be some communication issues, delay, or even some bad news. I see a lot of things coming to surface and I’m being told that we really need to pay attention more. Whether it be with us personally or others around us. The way we could carry ourselves, or talk, or even something like driving. Being on the look out more this month will just be beneficial, and to also not poorly react. Take things in slowly so you can process it and go from there. I do see a lot of higher learning here, so some of us could actually go back to school, or have the need to learn about something new, start new projects, or even a new language or trying new foods. I see travel, as well! Especially with new places you haven’t been to before or even to foreign lands. People could even visit you from these lands or just have long travels, especially since it’s the holiday season and we can expect to be around our families! If you have a calling to go somewhere or do something that you might find risky or would typically pull back from, I really encourage you to take those risks because blessings will be given to you!

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